While we can’t provide exact numbers for the sources or devices used by each provider, here’s an overview of how our data coverage works:
Current Coverage
AlphaMap already has significant coverage, leveraging multiple best-in-class data providers. However, we rely on these providers to expand asset categories and integrate new data into the system. Because this process is managed externally, we cannot guarantee a specific timeframe for updates.
Industry-Leading Reach
That said, AlphaMap boasts the highest coverage available in the market. If a location isn’t yet vetted or geofenced in our system, it’s likely that no other provider has it either. Our partnerships with top-tier providers ensure that we remain at the forefront of data accuracy and breadth.
Future Improvements
We continue to work closely with our providers to expand and improve data coverage. If you have specific needs or questions about coverage for certain areas or categories, feel free to reach out to our team for more details.