Identify key demographics for a brand or tenant using Tenant Finder in order to make informed decisions about site selection.
Understanding Brand Demographics with Tenant Finder:
Access Tenant Finder and input the desired brand or tenant name.
Navigate to the tenant match results section to view key demographics for the selected brand.
Review the median household income, median home value, average age, race/ethnicity, and gender demographics for the brand.
Make note of the ideal demographic brackets for the brand.
Utilize Map Explorer to create heatmaps based on the identified demographics.
Adjust the age range in the heatmap tool to match the ideal demographic bracket.
Analyze the heatmap to identify areas with a concentration of the target demographic.
Repeat the process for each demographic provided in the Tenant Finder report.
Ensure that the brand or tenant name is accurately inputted to retrieve the correct demographic information.
Pay attention to the specific demographic brackets provided for the selected brand to make informed decisions.
Tips for Efficiency:
Take notes of the ideal demographic ranges for future reference.
Use heatmaps in Map Explorer to visually identify areas with a high concentration of the target demographic.
Reach out for assistance if there are any questions or uncertainties during the process.\
Step-by-Step Guide:
Accessing TenantFinder
Utilize TenantFinder to find key demographics for a brand or tenant.
Input the location or brand address to begin the search.
Viewing Tenant Match Results
TenantFinder provides a list of over forty-one thousand brands with key demographics.
Search for a specific brand, like Starbucks, to filter down the results.
Analyzing Key Demographics
In the row with your brand, scroll to the right and click on "View Score Report" to access key demographic brackets for the selected brand.
Key demographics include median household income, median home value, average age, race, ethnicity, and gender. There are indicated by the green brackets in the charts.
Utilizing Demographic Data
Make note of the ideal demographic ranges for the brand.
Use this data to select a suitable site for the brand based on demographics.
Mapping Demographics with Map Explorer
Navigate to Map Explorer to visualize the key demographic areas.
Use heatmaps to identify locations with the ideal demographic profile for the brand.
Customizing Demographic Filters
Adjust age groups and other demographic filters within heat maps, in Map Explorer to cover the full range of the ideal demographic.
Zoom out on the map to see the heat map develop and pinpoint key demographic areas.
Iterating the Process
Repeat the process for each demographic provided in the score report.
Use the data obtained to make informed decisions about site selection for the brand.